Why aren't these the best days of my life?
I have my share of love,
I have my share of friends,
But why does it seem that the world is at its end,
Do I see the nonexistent apocalypse?
Am I the crystal gazer?
Why can't I get over this everlasting eclipse?
Why is it that the entire world seems to be on the other side of the river?
Why is that I stand all alone over here to quiver,
Why is it that I can’t end my day with a smile & a sound sleep?
When there was a time if I smile, people stopped to weep,
Why is that I have to end the day with a tear in my eye,
Why do I always have to think how, when & why?
There was a time when I was a complete free spirit,
When I had a constant smile of a thousand mile,
Now wrinkle adorn my forehead instead of my cheek,
And I have to find nooks & corners to weep,
I don’t know where I lost my own self,
I’m looking for it desperately,
Coz the ship’s gonna sail into the sea of gloom soon,
And then it’s a long wait,
Either to a silence to my death,
Or a death to my silence…